Sept 30th, Fri - the last day..
Boss talked to Thomas & me for awhile about our training.
Okay la.. very lazy to "yakkk" d.. Talk bout lazy. I haven't even go & bath yet... hahahha..
Dear friends ,
We do copy various data by Ctrl+c for pasting elsewhere. This copied data is stored in clipboard and is accessible from the net by a combination of Java scripts and ASP. Do not keep sensitive data (like credit card numbers, bank login/ passwords, PIN, date of births, etc.) in the clipboard while surfing the web. Instead make a practice of typing them always.
It is extremely easy to extract the text stored in the clipboard to steal your
sensitive information. Just try this:
1) Copy any text by Ctrl+c
2) Now, click the Link
3) You will see the SAME text you copied is accessed by this web page
1st Make Poverty History day: 1st of July 2005
2nd Make Poverty History day: 10th of September 2005
3rd Make Poverty History day: 10th of December 2005
To read more on Global Call Against Poverty ...
How you can get involved
Buttons, Banners, etc... for your webpage
Wallpapers & Screensavers for your desktop
**This is purposely dated 10th of September to keep this on top of every other crapzzz.. for the 2nd Make Poverty History day**