21st birthday...

After lunch, we shopped around. I even manage to buy my cousin's (one turned 7 & another turning 11 this year) birthday presents. I get along better with them that with my sis & bro... See.. we Virgos stick together.. (my sis & bro are Scorpians).. Anyway, let's not get side-tracked here..
After shopping for 2 hours, we decided it was time to leave. We went to the Gula Melaka shop again as I wanted to eat the Sago Gula Melaka..
The Sago Gula Melaka (top view)

After that, we headed home. My night was a little ruined by some certain people.. but let's not talk about them. Overall, it was quite a nice & pleasant day..
Some sms me & some messaged me to wish me.. Ah kor even called at 11pm sth when I was half asleep (due to tiredness).. & he said he wanted to call me at 12am actually. He wanted to be the last to wish me... I wonder if he really meant that.. or did he forgotten?? Hahahaa.. Anyway, thanks to all of you who wished me.. & many thanks to sJ of course.. although "no present"but your presence is my present already.. hehehe..

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