STUPID people
It is early (to me) in the morning & I have just arrived at work. & after 10 minutes, I was still standing under the air-con.. enjoying the cool air.. Then suddenly there's this indian woman (I would call her lady if I am not p*ssed off), she was standing outside the shop for quite some time. After awhile, she put her head half in at the door &...
Woman: Itu kedai camera pukul berapa buka? (direct translation: That camera shop shop what time open?)
Me: Hah? *not understanding what/which camera shop..*
Woman: Itu kedai camera.. cuci foto punya (direct translation: That camera shop.. wash photos one)
Me: *wondering: what la.. photo shop call camera shop meh??* I tak tau (direct translation: I don't know)
Woman: *while leaving the shop, muttering so damn loud I can hear* BODOH punya, itu pun tak tau.. (STUPID one, like that also don't know)
Me: *speechless for a moment* *what the f***??) Itu bukan kedai saya mana saya tau?? You la bodoh!!! (that is not my shop, how I know la.. you la the stupid one.)
Sadly, while I was *screaming* at her, she already left.
Idiotic moron.. spoil my nice beautiful morning. Am I stupid for not knowing what time the photo shop open? Arse! She is practically stupid. If you want to "wash" photos, you should've find out first what time the shop open instead of standing around being an idiot, waiting for it to open, but don't-know-at-what-time..
Woman: Itu kedai camera pukul berapa buka? (direct translation: That camera shop shop what time open?)
Me: Hah? *not understanding what/which camera shop..*
Woman: Itu kedai camera.. cuci foto punya (direct translation: That camera shop.. wash photos one)
Me: *wondering: what la.. photo shop call camera shop meh??* I tak tau (direct translation: I don't know)
Woman: *while leaving the shop, muttering so damn loud I can hear* BODOH punya, itu pun tak tau.. (STUPID one, like that also don't know)
Me: *speechless for a moment* *what the f***??) Itu bukan kedai saya mana saya tau?? You la bodoh!!! (that is not my shop, how I know la.. you la the stupid one.)
Sadly, while I was *screaming* at her, she already left.
Idiotic moron.. spoil my nice beautiful morning. Am I stupid for not knowing what time the photo shop open? Arse! She is practically stupid. If you want to "wash" photos, you should've find out first what time the shop open instead of standing around being an idiot, waiting for it to open, but don't-know-at-what-time..
3 Thoughts:
i guess she meant the kodak photoshop beside gua... wat else?
aiyoh, some people are like that just ignore her because she sux =P
So no point being angry at someone who doesn't deserve any attention at all. =))
Anonymous, at 17 September, 2005 11:26
why let a bodoh woman spoil ur morning? you could've instead felt sad for her, for having such malformed brain cells ;)
narrowband, at 17 September, 2005 22:49
hehehee... was just kind of "mad" because I got scolded for something that had nothing to do with me.. Hahhaha.. forgotten bout her moments after blogging it :p
babyblur, at 17 September, 2005 23:46
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