Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to all...
It's finally middle of the weekday..
But this weekend working!! *sigh*
Next week 12-8pm shift!!! *double sigh*

All I'm looking forward to is the stack of story books I bought & wanting to buy more this weekend (more bout this in a later post) & ice-cream. Baskin Robbins to be exact. *mouth waters thinking bout Chocolate Mousse Royale & World Class Chocolate*. Can you tell I love chocolate? Yeah, it spells fat, I know! And yeah.. don't remind me it's the 31st today & that there's 31% discount cause I didn't have the time to go get it. So I'll probably just head on down to Sunway this weekend to get it - 15% off mind you. I got the Sunway card. Better than nothing.

Can I not go to work? I want to read my books!! (Oh, I stayed up 'til 3am finishing one & was really sleepy this morning..)
Can I not go to work?? I want to go buy more books (cheap!)!!
Can I not go to work??? I want go get Baskin Robbins!!!

I guess not.. *sulks*

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Friday, October 19, 2007

the uninvited feeling

This week has been a hectic week.
& along with it, came a feeling I did not invited - anger.
Or maybe it's uninvited feelings - anger, annoyance & irritants.

I would get ticked by the smallest mistake someone else made.
I would get ticked when the person on the end of the line can't seem to understand me.
Worse of all, I got really ticked because even the more "powerful" person can't seem to understand the flaw of the system that's being practiced. Geezzz...

I hope this uninvited guest would leave soon enough.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Haircut

About a month ago, I had my hair trimmed & cut the front of my hair short as well (my hair was about the same length before).

Did that on a Thursday... Then on Saturday night, when I came back to KL...
My cousin went "what did you do to your hair?!?!". A 9 year old boy okay..
Hmphhh... He didn't like it... at all! He kept telling me to "fix it back" -.-"
He bugged me on Sunday again to fix it back..
& Monday when I came home from work, he said "let me see your hair"... which was then followed by FIX IT BACK (again!)..
& 2 days ago, he told me that again..

The following week, I went to my gramma's house. This time, my 5 year old cousin stared at me. So I asked "what?!". He said "why your hair like that one?" So I asked him if it's nice.. to which.. he did not answer... but shook his head.. *sigh*

While others are like "it's nice", "cute".. blablabla....
The two little kids just say what's on their mind.. without sugarcoating.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

you get what you paid for..

I like eating yogurts. I mean, they're good right? *psyching self*
I always buy Nutrigen yogurt. Peach flavor. On average, it cost about RM1.20 per bottle (errmm.. is bottle the right term here? or should it be container? or what?).

But recently (probably bout a month back), they changed the flavors. & I can't seem to find the old flavors anywhere. So out of deprivation, I bought 2 of the plentiful new flavors to try - "orange & carrot" (which I like) and some-berry-I-don't-remember-now. Oh, & they cost me RM1.39 each (bought at The Store) -.-"
My point here is: the new Nutrigen yogurt is expensive!! Okay, maybe not expensive.. It's more costly than before. :P

Now, normally, Carrefour sell their stuff cheaper, so I went there to get more... Only to find they were selling at RM1.49 each. Maybe you think I'm too calculative as the difference is 10 cents each, but you will see the difference when buy more.

Just when I was hesitating on whether to buy or not, I saw that the DL yogurt was going cheap (compared to Nutrigen). Rm1.29 each. & buy 3, free 1. I remember trying DL yogurt as a kid & hated it, but I don't remember why & decided to give it a second chance. After all, that was a long long time ago.

But but but..... after I tried it, I STILL DON'T LIKE IT LE!! & now I know why I hated it. It's too freaking watery!! & it tastes weird to me (or maybe it's just me).
Nutrigen yogurt is thick & nice.

What to do? Buy already, if don't eat, wasted la.. So I ended up eating the DL yogurt with bran in it.

Moral of the story? Refer to the title.

no offense to anyone/company/shopping complex/brand - just my point of view :b

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Saturday: The Pavalion

Last Saturday was spent at The Pavilion. We went there close to noon. & left the place 8 hours & 23 minutes later...

The place is nice but let's just say, a lot of shops were still under renovation.. *zzz..*
Wondering how did we spent 8 hours+ there?
First hour was spent walking around in circles...
Second hour on lunch.
About an hour in Times... another hour in Starbucks...
The rest of the hours were spent walking aimlessly & shopping.

The damage?
RM99 on a dress (slashed down from RM199!!)
RM47 for lunch
RM28 at Starbucks
RM21 for some new socks :b
RM20 for parking (RM19.50 actually)
RM11 - a book for my cousin
RM5 for some candies
Know what's priceless??? Happiness & enjoyable moments... =)

Muahhh... I lurveee spending moolah...
Now.. If only I'm RICH!!
How can I make some extra $$ (legally ok!)??

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Friday, October 05, 2007

I am RICH...?

A colleague of mine asked me today.. "Hey, you stay near VVVVV is it?"
I wasn't exactly sure if the building nearby is called VVVVV, so I answered "I'm not sure if it's called VVVVV, but you know UUU? It's along that road"..

She thought for awhile & probed further, "I saw some x-storey houses.. You stay there?"
To that, I answered "Yeah."

Her thoughts after that? "Wah, rich lo!"

Not my house le... Relative's house le... I am rich meh? It's not even my parent's house le...
That wasn't the first time. Around the time after CNY this year, also she commented that. She apparently heard from some other colleagues I am rich. Oh my god.. Since when I am rich ah? I also don't know le. I also wish I am rich le. Then I can buy all the things I want without thinking twice, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times... but end up most of the time, still not buying.

Just because I am temporarily living in a relative's HUGE house doesn't mean I am rich le..

PS: Ok, how come my sentences in this post end up with a lot of "le" ah? What happened to my English? Gawd..


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Eating bacteria

Yesterday, I asked my cousin... "would you believe me if I told you that I ate bacteria?"
He looked a little doubtful, but answered "Yes".

I turned to his younger brother & asked the same question... Same reaction.

So I asked the elder one why would he believe me.
& his answer was...

"you swallowed you phlegm"
o.O (o ya, I was sick for a couple of days)
At this point everyone was grossed out.


Actually, I had yogurt la...
What a yucky imagination!!

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