Happy Halloween
It's finally middle of the weekday..
But this weekend working!! *sigh*
Next week 12-8pm shift!!! *double sigh*
All I'm looking forward to is the stack of story books I bought & wanting to buy more this weekend (more bout this in a later post) & ice-cream. Baskin Robbins to be exact. *mouth waters thinking bout Chocolate Mousse Royale & World Class Chocolate*. Can you tell I love chocolate? Yeah, it spells fat, I know! And yeah.. don't remind me it's the 31st today & that there's 31% discount cause I didn't have the time to go get it. So I'll probably just head on down to Sunway this weekend to get it - 15% off mind you. I got the Sunway card. Better than nothing.
Can I not go to work? I want to read my books!! (Oh, I stayed up 'til 3am finishing one & was really sleepy this morning..)
Can I not go to work?? I want to go buy more books (cheap!)!!
Can I not go to work??? I want go get Baskin Robbins!!!
I guess not.. *sulks*