This week will be a super busy week. Perhaps it's an unnwritten rule to make every students life miserable on this week. Not last week, not next week, but this week.
Since Monday, the routine has been => go to class, go to one of my FYP groupmate's house, do FYP, dinner, home, work work work, sleep... & by then whaddya know, it's morning again... & the process repeats. Of course there's also panic attack where we thought a whole load of our work folder went missing, which was found later on (Thank God.. that was hours of work!).
I did the "cropping" job. Real tedious work. The thing I hated was.. not because it's a tedious job.. not because it takes hours... but because it invaded my dream! Arghh.. I only had about 4 hours to sleep last night & I dreamt about "cropping" those pics.. My groupmate, dreams about the codes... & after she dreamt, she would have "found" a solution to some parts of the code.. I mean, like when she wake up, then she could figure out the problematic code. Weird huh? I hate it when workload invades my dream.. I mean ARGHHH... I already have to face it, can't I have a nice dream so that I can sleep peacefully & be more alert the next day to continue with the work..?
Really looking forward to this Friday, after we hand in our FYP. I would most probably be going home Saturday. It's been soooo long since I last went back (mid of March), my mum's asking me bout it.. I mean bout when am I going home. Then, my friends are planning some outting(s), to shop & to eat. Sort of our farewell thingy, I guess. *sobs* Can't believe I only have a month + few days left before I finish my course. I've actually been thinking bout the 4 years I spent here - the good & the bad.
I guess I better head for bed. I don't feel sleepy now, but my eyes are tired. Ahhhhhhh........ Help!! Hope can get our FYP all sorted out by tomorrow. *prays*