What a Tuesday!!
Suppose to be in for work at 8am and finish at 4pm. Had planned on coming home to wash hair, have a nice long bath, wash clothes and surf the net/play games...
Somehow, the whole schedule went haywire...
Woke up earlier (to get to work earlier) than intended due to some urgent 'report' that needed to be hand up to boss's boss by 9am+. So arrived at work around 7.30am, started rushing to finish it off; which I manage to... :b
Fast forward to 4pm...
4.12pm, I was still working!!! What happened there??? I forgotten I was only working til 4pm!!! Gawd!!
Then, I hung around to work on another 'report' cause I thought I have OT (evening OTs are normally 5-7pm). By 4.58pm, I noticed something amiss as the system did not prompt me to login (which it normally does 5 mins before start time). Click click check check.. OMG!! I do not have OT le!!! So I just *screamed* to my friends nearby, who don't want OT, I can replace him/her (since I was already there so long; btw, it's paid OT). So eventually, I replaced a friend's OT (she was rushing to complete her reports).
And cause of that, my whole planned schedule for the day went haywire and had to be scraped.
And yes, my dirty laundry is still waiting to be wash. Ugh!!
And oh, I blamed it all on the first event. That caused my timing to be off. ;b
The other half said I'm too stressed out probably? *sigh*
Maybe so... the past 1 month+ has been crazy... The continuos working + team building + DR (Disaster Recovery) Drill 1, Pre DR Drill, then DR Drill 2, *quite* last minute was informed to give 2 trainings (training on 2 different 'applications', both were the first training I conducted *shy*), suddenly having 3 instead of 1 newbie(s) to teach/train/guide... Report(s) to do... And all this have not come to an end yet!!
2 of the newbies will be with me til Friday. They're okay, but I do hope they pick up the skills fast enough when they are on their own (after Friday), else I get complain later... :b
To be entrusted to guide 3 newbies is so.. so... so.... like such an honor? HAHA... One of the said that I am so greedy as I have 3 buddies (normally it's one to one). He calls me "sifu" *sweats*.
Report is incomplete... Still working on it. Must finish it off quickly.
But on some level, I am pretty glad to have more deskwork now than to just perform the task of "take calls log problem resolve/escalate problem blablabla..."
OMG!! Just realised I have some e-learning (@read & do the test online @intranet) that needs to be completed by end of June.
Argh... Why do time seem to pass so fast when I have a lot to do or when I am enjoying myself??
What a Tuesday!!
Suppose to be in for work at 8am and finish at 4pm. Had planned on coming home to wash hair, have a nice long bath, wash clothes and surf the net/play games...
Somehow, the whole schedule went haywire...
Woke up earlier (to get to work earlier) than intended due to some urgent 'report' that needed to be hand up to boss's boss by 9am+. So arrived at work around 7.30am, started rushing to finish it off; which I manage to... :b
Fast forward to 4pm...
4.12pm, I was still working!!! What happened there??? I forgotten I was only working til 4pm!!! Gawd!!
Then, I hung around to work on another 'report' cause I thought I have OT (evening OTs are normally 5-7pm). By 4.58pm, I noticed something amiss as the system did not prompt me to login (which it normally does 5 mins before start time). Click click check check.. OMG!! I do not have OT le!!! So I just *screamed* to my friends nearby, who don't want OT, I can replace him/her (since I was already there so long; btw, it's paid OT). So eventually, I replaced a friend's OT (she was rushing to complete her reports).
And cause of that, my whole planned schedule for the day went haywire and had to be scraped.
And yes, my dirty laundry is still waiting to be wash. Ugh!!
And oh, I blamed it all on the first event. That caused my timing to be off. ;b
The other half said I'm too stressed out probably? *sigh*
Maybe so... the past 1 month+ has been crazy... The continuos working + team building + DR (Disaster Recovery) Drill 1, Pre DR Drill, then DR Drill 2, *quite* last minute was informed to give 2 trainings (training on 2 different 'applications', both were the first training I conducted *shy*), suddenly having 3 instead of 1 newbie(s) to teach/train/guide... Report(s) to do... And all this have not come to an end yet!!
2 of the newbies will be with me til Friday. They're okay, but I do hope they pick up the skills fast enough when they are on their own (after Friday), else I get complain later... :b
To be entrusted to guide 3 newbies is so.. so... so.... like such an honor? HAHA... One of the said that I am so greedy as I have 3 buddies (normally it's one to one). He calls me "sifu" *sweats*.
Report is incomplete... Still working on it. Must finish it off quickly.
But on some level, I am pretty glad to have more deskwork now than to just perform the task of "take calls log problem resolve/escalate problem blablabla..."
OMG!! Just realised I have some e-learning (@read & do the test online @intranet) that needs to be completed by end of June.
Argh... Why do time seem to pass so fast when I have a lot to do or when I am enjoying myself??