Friday, November 18, 2005

Mutterings in the morning..

This post is mutterings of all sorts. At nearly 6am (with the mosque blarring already), people would probably start waking up, but I haven't even been to bed yet. Oh well, it's the second night in a row I am doing this. I am very capable of staying awake til the wee hours of morning. That reminds me - I wanted to say this a long long time ago - I am born in the wrong side of the world - or rather; I should've been born like.. say.. halfway across the world. From young, I always have trouble going to bed at night & waking up in the mornings - which would fit perfectly in another timezone in the west. I also like Western food - a LOT. As a Chinese (& although I look really Chinese), I can't speak proper Mandarin - I sound funny when I speak in Mandarin. English is like my main conversation language. & I also personally can't bear to take in Chinese food few days in a row - most people would hardly understand why so - I don't know either; it's just not in my "system" - oh yeah, I rather have bread than Chinese food & rice.

So what am I doing up so late?? Well, my feelings are numbed - from 5 hours ago - & still is now. I feel like giving up something in my life - we'll see about that. Anyway, I was kind of busy just now. I was trying to "convert" my Variation of Canon into softcopy & later to hardcopy & audio from my brains. I had came across & memorised my first piece of "Canon" in piano class in 1997 & I really liked it. & then when I came to Uni 3 years ago, I met a guy who was crazy bout "Canon" as well, who then became my best buddy (now not so close d). He kind of inspired me to come up with my own variation of Canon & now, after so many years of listening to so many other composer's variations, I have my own mix. The funny thing is that I am having lots of trouble "penning" it down (in the computer) now. The thing is that I am so into the song that I no longer play from memory, but from heart. I find it cool that I can play that song with my eyes close; although I would occasionnally hit a couple of notes wrong - I am boasting hor? Now its jammed up in me & I have a lot of trouble trying to "extract" the notes. So far, I am only like 10% done. Crap. I actually wanted to finish it up by today but I don't think the time agrees with me. I wanted to cancel out an agreement to go out later in the noon in order to finish it & sleep later in the noon; but some people just won't take NO for an answer. *sighs*

Oh yeahh.. I forgotten to talk about what happened in class on Wed. We had class in the new block. At some point of the lecture, the fire alarm went off. Bahhhh... of course we went like... Ooooo fire alarm... is there fire?? Should we like..leave? But the lecturer went like.. Hah? Really fire meh? It's the first time I am teaching here (refering to the new block) le.. I don't think it's fire la.. Let's just continue. *gulps* Errmm... We went like What? Later really got fire, then we would all be burned alive.. So then he gave us a 5mins break while he went off to check. Obviously it was a false alarm la.. Else I would be roasted alive d la.. won't be sitting here. Heheh.. :p

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