Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Streamyx deprived

*sleeping nicely*
*canon song playing*
what the... oh.. that's my handphone ringing.. *picks up*
*mumbles in a small voice (having sore throat)* ello..
& that was how I woke up this morning. My mum called at 8 sth in the morning, asking me to hang the clothes in the washing machine that was soon to be done. Luckily I went to bed early (12am+ as oppossed to the normal 2 or 3am), else I'll be cranky :p

Anyway, I'm really bored without Streamyx; practically deprived of Streamyx. Dial-up is not helping. It is really reallllly slooooow & my mum is sure to go balistic when the phone bills come; as I goes online for at least 1-2 hours, about 5-6 times a week - you do the math.

Normally what I do online? I am playing with Neopets. I don't know why am I so hooked up on it, since it's practically stupid & a waste of my time; but the games seems to relieve me of my boredom. I also check my mails, check out Nexus forums, Bulletin (don't know why I do that also), do some blog-hopping; which is really difficult since it takes a really long time to load. I'll be blog-hopping after I post this.

Hmm.. I've been pondering whether to post this or not.. but anyway let's talk bout neighbours.. Well, we have two neighbours. On one side, there's a nice old couple. Now I am going to blab about the other side. A family of a working father, mum the housewife & 3 kids. Since we moved in here, they just seem to find things that they're unsatisfied of. The first incident began long long time ago with somebody throwing tissues in the front drain. The father claimed that it was me & my sis who's doing it. So I did throw a few :p But BUT bUT... It was his kids who threw most of it there. Then there was some "dustbin" incident between my mum & the mum; which I am not clear of. Then there was this "house extension" incident; whereby our "dear" neighbour claimed that we "eat" their house.

The latest was yesterday.. Our TV reception haven't been good & my mum noticed that the antenna on the roof had fallen down, so she called for those errr.... people who fix those stuff to come & get it fixed. But the fallen down antenna that my mum saw actually belong to that neighbour. Ours has fallen as well, so we got ours fixed. The neighbour's one had fallen onto our side, so my mum asked the person to put it back onto their roof.. Nothing wrong right?? Right?? It's theirs, so just put it back to their place ma... Then when the fix-it people were leaving, the son came out & screamed at the poor dudes, claiming that they've made their antenna fall down.. Errrr... you understand what I'm saying hor? So the guy did some explaining & my mum also, & the kid went back in without saying anything. My mum was greatly annoyed as the mum dare not come out & sent her son out instead. Apparently the mum doesn't show her face anywhere my mum is because.. I also don't know why... Hahahaa... But my mum say that when she throws rubbish at the back of the house, if the mum is there, she would quickly go back in the house. Perhaps afraid to see my mum?? Hahahaa...

Anyway, these neighbours are annoying freaks. How can they say that what we made their antenna fall & then after knowing we didn't, just walk off without saying sorry. Their stupid TV antenna wiring even passes by our house. I told my mum she should've just cut off the wire.. It came into our side of the house what.. I don't like, I cut la.. Btw, perhaps we should've cut the antenna wiring & bring the antenna down & throw it away.. Why? It's fallen on my roof. It is rubbish to me. So I am throwing away the rubbish on my roof... Hahahahhaha... evil hor? :p

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