Monday, October 17, 2005

Why...? Why...?

Nice weekend.. though I was having sleepless nights.

Had my
cousins over on Saturday night. Bahhh.. I just LURVEEEEEeee little kids. Oh.. I really do. The elder one was complaining a bit of boringness & the little one was enjoying herself, amusing herself with just about anything.

My mum said when she went down to pick them up, the little one was in a little of doubt & a little scared & she asked her gramma if she (her gramma) want to follow or not. Hahaa.. She is quite naughty. Whoever did say boys are the naughtier ones?? She is soooo energetic!! She was trying to climb up the kitchen shelf & couldn't, so she was practically clinging to it, trying to get up. Then my mum said she can tell which things can break, which can't, & all correctly!! But, she just can't lay her naughtly fingers off them. Even though she knows glass stuffs wil break, she simply must lay her fingers on them. Then she saw the iron & she didn't go near it. Bout a year ago, she had a little incident at her home with the iron. The maid was ironing & she (my little cousin) went & lay her little hand on the iron & burnt her hand. She even showed us her tiny hand & say "See my hand got burn". Poor thing.

She remembered the baby caterpillar (toy, not real caterpillar) on the piano. She wanted the doggies on top of the tv & was jumping up & down in front of the tv wanting them. Then I asked her whether she wanted the right or left one & the brown or grey one & she can tell correctly.. Ohh.. I said I don't want the bigger grey one (I was playing along pretending to be afraid of it), then she was amusing me by imitating the doggie sound (wow wow). With the bigger doggie, she wow-ed louder & with the smaller one, she wow-ed softer... So cuteee!!! I meant my cousin, not the doggies :p

Little kids are so adorable. Geezzz... How come little ones are cute? But how come as they grow, they seem to become less cute... you get what I mean? Ohh... my little cousin also has a knack of asking lots of questions... Why this? Why that?.. Plenty of "Why??". Earlier this year, during CNY, her questions were limited to "What's your name?" cause lots of people tend to ask her that, so she's doing the same. But now she has gain a whole lot of vocab & she asks all sort of questions, mainly starting with "Why?".

Yesterday was raining, nearly the whole day. It was such a cold day, I was jumping up & down, trying to warm up but I can't even sweat!! It was just so cold, it's like there's air-con everywhere. Last night, I wore long pants & socks to bed, & was under my blanket, but I still felt cold... so you can imagine how cold it is.

Well, I hope everyone else had a nice weekend too!

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