Monday, January 16, 2006


I am feeling rather too much feelings.. I just wanna go home.. which is either tonight or tomorrow morning, just waiting for my parent's to confirm..

Blasting music's not my thing, but that's precisely what I am doing now. Copied about a third of my "old" songs collection to my HDD (was burned previously because running out of HDD space and formatting). Somehow I felt that the songs from the past few years were nicer than these years.. Listening to these songs makes me think back all those times.. bring back memories from the past few years.. But not gonna ramble that here as much as I'ld like to..

The holidays for 2nd semester term break starts officially today. Next semester will be last trimester. I hate having to grad.. because that would mean leaving sJ here.. because I hate having to work.. & all the interviews I would probably have to go through before that. The one year after graduation would be a very trying year for me. I am still very unclear of what I want, where I want to work.. I hate uncertainties.. a lot!! *sigh*

'Kay la.. better go do something progressive.. like packing.. or rather I should go play some games instead.. :P

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