Monday, October 03, 2005


OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so terrified now!!

My lecturer@supervisor called me about 15 minutes.. I was kind of still asleep then. Then he asked if I could go for presentation now!! (actually, my slot is afternoon, 2pm). Then I went like "errr err err.." for so damn long.. then I honestly told him cannot la.. Then he say nevermind, it's okay.. He calling because the other lecturer on the panel sent the students who weren't dressed formally back!! That's why kind of "free" now. So he asked me to make sure I wear/dress formally & properly..

And now.. I'm super terrified.. so nervous.. as if having "stage fright" & having to present it all alone is not bad enough.. now there's a super strict lecturer on the panel?? OMG OMG!! I'm so nervous now... Helppppp!!

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