Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Aug 9th, Tues - sad

First thing I did today in the office is putting up the banting (still not sure of the spelling but it's pronounce like that) with help from Cheng. Boss is annoyed by our (mine & Thomas) slow progress in our project, I guess. Cause he said something bout give him a due date. If no due date, nobody submit anything.. Hmphh.. Better start paying attention to my work.. Else I'll be in trouble..

I'm sad. ;( The new shirt I bought about a week ago, which I've only worn once is kind of "spoilt" in terms of its look. Dirty, contaminated water used to wash the shirt in the washing machine has turn my nice white shirt to spots of beige, here & there. When I washed it yesterday, there were those beige-y spots on the back of the shirt. I thought if I washed it again, it would go away.. Seems worse.. Now the shirt just breaks my heart... ;( *cries* Now, I'm soaking it with Dynamo. Hopefully, those horrible stains would come off.. I've just worn it once.. How could the water do this to me!! Stupid dirty water... *frustrated*

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