Monday, July 25, 2005

July 25th, Mon - new toy & the obsessive me

Not many customers today. But don't know why when I am in a hurry to leave the office at 7pm, the phone couldn't stop ringing & one after another customers came in. I ended up talking really fast to the customers & left 5 mins later. So what did I do today? I helped type out a notice that is going to be stuck on Netpolitan doors on Wednesday (last Saturday it was typing out 5 pages of TM Net crap.., which my colleagues say that it's a waste I don't become a typist cause I can type so fast), I fooled around with my new toy in the office as you can read in the posts before, served some customers (both in the office & on the phone - talking bout phones.. why do some people talk so soft on the phone? I can hardly hear them.. it's like they're muttering under their breath.. grr..).. blablabla..

I think I'm starting to get obsessive... with cleaning the toilet. I really don't know why. Just now the toilet floor was a little dirty & out came the brush, me scrubbing the floors. What is wrong with me?? Before I ever started cleaning the toilet (that is before this sem), I've never been bothered to clean the toilet before & suddenly I find myself cleaning it every other week. Is something wrong with me? Why am I obsessed with cleaning the damn toilet? Hmm..

Anyway, I shall stop here.. I want to go play with my new toy.. =P

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