Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Endless Eating...

I eat way too much these days. It's like my mouth is so itchy, I just can't stop eating. Like the title says, endless eating.

Today itself:
~8.30am: 1 nasi lemak
~11+am: cheese bread (was bought by my aunt for my breakfast but I saw the nasi lemak in the pantry and could not resist the temptation)
1.15pm: lunch - chicken rice
~2+pm: a slice of raisin bread (it's about 2-3 times the white bread size)
~4+pm: another slice of raisin bread (thank God my colleague came and ate the other raisin bread else I think I will finish all also)

After that, I think & think... I ate wayyy toooo much already. Eating every 2-3 hours??? So I tried my best to stop eating and only drank water as I would be having dinner at 8+pm. Luckily I'm able to resist opening that pack of seducing Rocky biscuits in my drawer. Oh, and still, after that full dinner, I went and ate a strawberry chocolate coated wafer. *slaps forehead* No wonder I've been growing even more horizontally lately.

Am thinking perhaps to go out in the weekends, buy a whole lot of fruits (rockmelon, honeydew, kiwi, mango, strawberry, watermelon), cut and freeze them so that I have cool fruity snacks for the week... What do you think? Definitely healthier than biscuits or junk food right?

Just realized something... Could it be cause I'm teething, hence the mulut gatal?
Bout 3-4 weeks back, I had toothache at the right side (of my mouth la...). Then the inner teeth on top right was somehow "pushed down". The scared me have yet to go to consult the dentist.


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