Monday, May 14, 2007


I am pretty irritated today... over some things... Since I *think* I should not talk bout the one that irritates me the most, I'll talk bout the second one.

Some people just don't get it.
They message you. You ignore. They message you again. You ignore. Process repeats few times. After some time (some time = hours sometimes), they stop trying. You had to message that person for important work-related things. Then they start the whole process again. Maybe the person just don't get it.. So you tell that person you don't wanna talk/chat. That person just won't stop bugging you. ARGHHHHH... Can't you take a hint?? I don't wanna talk. I said it out. Why won't you just leave me alone?? I DON'T wanna TALK... to YOU!! Bugger off.. It's getting irritating. I don't like some things you say, some ways you act.. There's got to be boundaries to some things you do.


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